

Clipchamp lets you convert, compress and record video files. You can save processed videos or upload them straight to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or Google Drive.

Our app reduces your input video’s file size at no visible quality loss – smaller files upload faster and can be shared more easily. Say goodbye to never-ending uploads.

Our webcam recorder takes video in SD or HD, depending on the type of your webcam and the oomph of your CPU.

How does it work?

Clipchamp runs in your browser but your videos get processed locally on your computer.

This means you don’t need to install any software or slowly upload files to an online converter. Your videos stay on your computer until you decide to share them.

Clipchamp’s preconfigured output settings keep things simple. Output formats are MP4, WebM, FLV (Flash video), WMV (Windows Media) & GIF. Resolution options are 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p & “same as input file”.


Plan Price Details
ClipChamp Free Free for use.


March 1, 2016

This is a no-nonsense HTML 5 video recorder using a built-in webcam. We were looking for a solution to do this with Chromebooks and this is what we came up with. It’s as simple as clicking the record button, then going from there. The students have options to save the file locally or upload to cloud services such as YouTube and Google Drive. Since we are a GAFE district, this was a good choice for us.
