Mrs. Denise Boehm


A super nice member!


Spelling City is great for student engagement, but one of my favorite features is how much time it saves me as a teacher. My lists are saved from one year to the next and they are easy to print and share. The VSC games are great at a computer center and are fantastic time-fillers on the Smartboard when you have a few extra minutes. I also love that parents can see and access our list at any time. This has really eliminated phone calls and notes asking about spelling words for an absent child or student who forgot to bring home his spelling notebook. There are also so many pre-made lists and teacher resources at your fingertips if you're just getting started. I also recently found out that your kids can use the games from the premium member area even if you are not a premium member as long as you use of of their lists to practice.

I'd be lost without Spelling City now!
