

What is woices?

Woices is a FREE internet service that allows people to create, share and consume echoes, audio records that are linked to a very specific geographical location or real-world object. Woices ultimate goal is to extend reality by creating a new layer of audio information, what we call the echoesphere, that will make the world a more interesting place.

What is an echo?

Echoes are words, left by one person at some precise place, that can be later listened to by anyone, as if their author was still there. Echoes can be about anything you want, from history, art or curiosities to personal memories or advices. An echo can even a poem.


Plan Price Details
Woices Free Create an account to begin creating new echoes. There are no limits in the number of echoes you can create, listen or download.
Woices Guides €65/month FREE GUIDES are published as free applications in all app stores. Final users will not be charged and they will download the guide for free. PAID GUIDES are published as paid applications in all app stores. Final users will be charged to download the guide. The guide price will be set by the publisher (you).

