Sum Fun

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September 19, 2016

Sum Fun is a easy-going number puzzle game that builds up addition and memory skills. The player is presented with a board of numbers (in various shapes like a square, robot, bird, heart) and has to clear out the numbers using mathematics. Placing a number in an empty slot with blast away the neighbouring numbers if it matches the sum of the neighbours (or the last digit of the sum if it’s more than 10).

The gameplay is quite addictive, and there is the option to compete with others in the same game. New games have random numbers so you can play endlessly without getting bored. There is no time limit, with the goal being to empty the board in as few moves as possible, but even a large number of moves doesn’t stop progress in the game.

Overall, a nice game that builds up maths skills while you are having fun. You’ll be memorizing sums of numbers in no-time!
