

SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million pageviews, it is amongst the most visited 200 websites in the world. Besides presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars.

SlideShare features a vibrant professional and educational community that regularly comments, favorites and downloads content. SlideShare content spreads virally through blogs and social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Individuals & organizations upload documents to SlideShare to share ideas, conduct research, connect with others, and generate leads for their businesses. Anyone can view presentations & documents on topics that interest them, download them and reuse or remix for their own work.


Plan Price Details
Basic Free 60 seconds to sign up, upgrade or downgrade anytime.
Silver $19/month Upload benefits, analytics, meetings, 30 leads per month, no geo-targeting.
Gold $49/month Upload benefits, analytics, meetings, 75 leads per month with geo-targeting.
Platinum Contact for details Upload benefits, analytics, meetings, unlimited leads with custom questions and geo-targeting.


October 5, 2014

Slideshare is a website that allows users to upload and share presentations, view others presentations, and download presentations. It is free and easy to use. Slideshare is a great web tool because it is easily accessible anywhere, good for sharing content, and connects people globally.
Slideshare can be accessed at home, at work, or on the go. This is helpful for business people who spend a lot of time working. Slideshare saves you time because it is neatly organized into different topics and categories on every subject. The process for signing up is quick and easy. Brad agreed that “it was a quick sign up process.” Another useful feature of slideshare is one can simply navigate to the topic they are looking for and quickly learn new content. The professional applications of this tool are well-adapted to the lifestyles of business people, and because you can download presentations, you can access content anywhere. Simply download the presentation at home and access it later on your phone, tablet, or other device. Slideshare, to put it simply, is a cloud where you can store your presentations.
Slideshare has grown in popularity and currently has over 60 million global users. Because of this staggering number of users, it is easy to share content and gain new ideas. David Hopkins enjoyed being able to “promote [his] business through the simplicity of slideshare’s sharing services.” Small businesses can be noticed through slideshare by sharing and marketing their ideas. On each presentation you view, there is a button to share that slide with others. If somebody searches for your topic, and they like it, they will likely share it with others. It is easy to gain popularity and share your content with a worldwide population through slideshare.
Slideshare is best at helping one connect with others. Find a topic you enjoy? Find somebody who uploads presentations that interest you? Slideshare allows you to follow others and will notify you when that person posts something new. It is great at connection people through its ease of use and accessibility. Another way slideshare connects people is intellectually. If you share common interests with people, slideshare makes it easy to find presentations about those topics. Because slideshare requires only an internet connection to use, almost anybody can begin using slideshare. Academically, slideshare connects people through different subjects and can be used to review missed lectures, upload answer keys, and find knowledge.
Slideshare is a useful web tool that allows users the freedom to navigate, share, and connect with others on a multitude of topics. Because it is friendly and easy to use, people are likely to enjoy signing up and getting started. Just use your email or Facebook account and create a username and password and you are ready to begin uploading and viewing others presentations. The only noticeable flaw in the sharing of presentations is that you “cannot lock down to only share to one person.” You are forced to share it publicly meaning anybody can view your presentation. Slideshare make it easy to share content, connect with others, and access content from anywhere.
