School Library Journal


School Library Journal, is the leading print magazine, and now serving librarians who work with young people in schools and public libraries. The two resources give librarians up-to-date information needed to integrate libraries into the school curriculum, become leaders in the areas of technology, reading, and information literacy, and create high-quality collections for children and young adults.

School Library Journal (SLJ) serves librarians who work with students in school and public libraries, reaching an audience of more than 100,000. The world’s largest and most authoritative reviewer of children’s and young adult content—principally books, but also including audio, video, and the Web—the magazine and its Web site provide 38,000 subscribers with information indispensable in making purchasing decisions. In addition to its reviews, SLJ’s news, features, columns, and departments deliver the perspective, resources, and leadership tools necessary for its readers to become indispensable players in their schools and libraries.


Plan Price Details
School Library Journal Website Free Free for use.
Book Verdict School Library Journal $88.99/year Save 35% off the regular rate. Subscription includes 1 year of FREE online access to Book Verdict School Library Journal, providing easy access to thousands of reviews of books and other media.
Book Verdict K-12 Pro $130.99/year Save 54% off regular subscription rates. Subscription includes 1 year of online access to hundreds of thousands of reviews from School Library Journal, The Horn Book, plus Pro-level functionality to save, manage and share lists, export metadata, and more.


September 16, 2013

This is a great resource for librarians to help make decisions about collections and creating libraries for the future.
