Reading Pro by Hooked on Phonics

This tool is no longer in service


This tool is no longer in service.

Reading Pro is an exciting new program with one valuable objective: To build strong, confident readers.

Loaded with videos, games and stories, Reading Pro teaches 7 to 10-year-olds strategies for learning new words, and lets them practice reading them in the real world. The app will turn beginning and struggling readers into confident, fluent readers.

Step by step, your child will learn to break down larger words into parts then read from a library of non-fiction stories that are custom-tailored to the words taught in each lesson. After 10 lessons, each of the four levels ends with an installment of an exciting time-travel chapter book series called The Strange Museum that is sure to delight your young, confident reader—all within this one incredible app!

Reading Pro uses the award-winning teaching methods of Hooked on Phonics. No other digital program offers as complete and interconnected system of games, videos and stories as Reading Pro.

Reading Pro is designed to entertain your child while moving forward on the path to reading success. The games are silly and fun. The stories are completely engaging. The program is simple, proven and effective.

If your child loves Endless Alphabet but isn’t quite ready for Endless Reader and Reading Rainbow, Hooked on Phonics Reading Pro may just be just what your child needs.

Let’s go, Reading Pro!

Reading Pro Classroom is an exciting new educational tool with one valuable objective: To build strong, confident, fluent readers.

Loaded with videos, games and stories, Reading Pro Classroom is geared for older, tech savvy students who read at a Second Grade and up reading level. With multi-user capabilities for as many as 25 learners, the app teaches strategies for decoding multi-syllable words, and allows students to practice those strategies by reading both fiction and non-fiction stories and chapter books. The app is an appealing—yet effective—method of turning Early Fluent Readers and Struggling Readers into confident, Fluent Readers.


Plan Price Details
Reading Pro by Hooked on Phonics – Improve Reading Comprehension for Ages 7+ Free Free for use.
Hooked on Phonics Reading Pro Comprehension & Vocabulary $19.99 Paid mobile app.

