

The Leading Provider of Live Online Speech Therapy Services

At PresenceLearning, we love to see children thrive, which is why we are making the promise of online speech therapy and online occupational therapy (sometimes called telepractice) come true.

With the ongoing shortage of SLPs (speech language pathologists) and occupational therapists (OTs) in school districts reaching crisis proportions, innovative modes of delivery have become essential for providing special needs kids with access to the therapeutic services.

A large and growing body of research, starting with a seminal study by the Mayo Clinic in 1997, demonstrates that live online speech therapy is just as effective as face-to-face therapy.

Our mission is to make all kinds of online therapy practical, affordable and convenient for schools, school districts, and families with special needs children while providing an extraordinary therapy experience for each child. The PresenceLearning solution includes:

  • access to our large and growing network of top-notch speech language therapists (SLPs) and occupational therapists (OTs)
  • the latest video-conferencing technology
  • the most engaging games and evidence-based activities
  • time-saving collaboration and practice management tools targeting SLPs and OTs and educators

Join the growing group of therapists, educators and parents committed to seeing children thrive as part of the online therapy revolution.


Plan Price Details
Schools Contact for pricing Get a demo to learn more. To qualify for a FREE DEMO you must be a school administrator and/or involved in special education for K-12 students.
Parents $95/hour PresenceLearning online speech therapy service, including a complimentary 10 minute phone consultation, free equipment, online assessments, and tech support.

