

Write better together. Google Docs-style collaboration for WordPress.

Poetica is an intuitive text editor that makes it easy for you to work with others on copy and content, anywhere you’re writing.

The technology

We have pioneered a new approach to version control, using our own Operational Transform extensions rather than industry-standard diffs. This means with Poetica you can:

  • Create understandable inline annotations and suggested edits; an easy-to-use version of Word’s Track Changes so you can collaborate in realtime on work without hassle
  • Save a perfect history of your work. Every other version control technology is lossy. Poetica creates a perfect audit trail
  • Sync content in realtime, across multiple platforms, as well as on and offline. Poetica allows you to store work anywhere
  • Embed collaboration tools in any platform. You can use Poetica without leaving your preferred writing environment


Plan Price Details
Poetica Free Free for use.


EFL Teacher
October 1, 2014

An amazing editing tool for teachers. It allows you to correct students’ submissions in an easy way.
