

An online newspaper that connects the classroom to the world with news stories that provide new information on reader-friendly themes.

Each week, students connect with the world through symbol-supported news articles and dozens of worksheets, games, and activities. News-2-You helps thousands of educators develop special education lesson plans, and stands alone as the national newspaper for special education.


Plan Price Details
News-2-You iPad app Free Compatible with iPad.
News-2-You Online Annual Subscription $149.00/year per user This symbol supported newspaper is published weekly from September through May (except for the last two weeks in December) and monthly in June, July and August. Includes: Four levels of difficulty, Spanish edition, Speaking versions of each edition., Cross-curricular practice sheets, Class News, Interactive games and cartoons, Adapted storybooks, Puzzles, recipes and jokes, Symbolstix Online, and Support Center and Webinars.
News-2-You iPad Annual Subscription $49.99 In-app purchase for just the newspapers.
Individual Editions $1.99 each In-app purchase.

