

Magoosh gives you everything you need to start studying.

Practice questions

Our practice questions are carefully written and edited to give you the most accurate practice possible.

Video explanations

Each practice question has its own video explanation which covers the vital concepts, shortcuts and pitfalls.

Lesson videos

Learn anything from simple geometry to passage deconstruction with our library of video lessons.

Simple design

Study online wherever you go. Our clean and simple interface gets out of the way and lets you learn.

Friendly support

Help is always just a click away. If you don’t understand something, our tutors will explain it to you quickly and clearly.

Magoosh is affordable

You don’t need expensive classes and private tutors. Studying online is easier and we pass the savings on to you.


Plan Price Details
GRE Math $199/year Over 150 lessons, over 500 questions, +2 points score guarantee.
GRE Verbal + AWA $199/year Over 60 lessons, over 400 questions, +2 points score guarantee.
GRE Premium $299/year Over 200 lessons, over 900 questions, +5 points score guarantee, email assistance, study schedules, score predictor, up to 4 practice tests.
GMAT Math $299/year Over 100 math video lessons, over 400 math practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.
GMAT Verbal $299/year Over 50 verbal video lessons, over 250 verbal practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.
GMAT Premium $399/year Over 200 math and verbal video lessons, over 700 math and verbal practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.
English Premium $199/year Over 85 English video lessons, 7-day money back guarantee.
SAT Math $199/year Over 60 math video lessons, over 200 math practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.
SAT Verbal $199/year Over 40 verbal video lessons, over 200 verbal practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.
SAT Premium $299/year Over 100 math and verbal video lessons, over 400 math and verbal practice questions, video explanations after every question, email support.

