
This tool has not been reviewed by our editors yet


JABtalk is a FREE Android speech communication application designed to help non-verbal children and adults communicate. Speech therapists commonly refer to JABtalk as an easy and effective augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) solution. By combining personalized voice and images with an extremely simple user interface, JABtalk provides a speech solution that is both fun to use and easy to learn. Originally designed as a communication tool for children with special needs, JABtalk has evolved into a communication tool used by stroke patients, toddlers, speech-language pathologists, and others. JABtalk has over 100,000 users located in over 100 countries around the world. Available on Google Play.


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May 20, 2015

I use this for one of my students in the classroom for a student who is deaf and has CP. It is one of the few free apps that I am able to create my own communication boards. Often, when testing an app one is limited to the free trial and it cannot be modified to the specific students’ needs. I really enjoy using it to support my student with communicating in the community. A great resource for a special educator looking to try an AAC device on a student! If only this was available for iPad…
