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Inq-ITS challenges students to be scientists and show what they know by: hypothesizing, collecting their own data, analyzing their data, and communicating their findings. Inq-ITS supports middle school NGSS science practices in Physical, Life, and Earth Science.

Students get personalized help as they work from Rex the dinosaur, their own virtual inquiry coach. Immediate feedback helps students overcome challenges as they are having them; and as more help is needed, more is given.

Inq-ITS’ Reports and Inq-Blotter Alerts update immediately and lets teachers know when and how their students are struggling. Students’ progress is captured throughout the year so it is easy to review and report.


Plan Price Details
Inq-ITS Free Free for use.


Science Teacher
February 3, 2018

This tool is effective at cultivating an experimental mindset…of asking questions and learning by doing. Timely guidance may be needed to assist students who become frustrated by excessive failure or struggle with analyzing data. However, experiments are easy to repeat and much can be learned. This tool directly supports writing skills in a concise, easy way, and it prompts for students to provide evidence and become comfortable with construction of scientific arguments.
