

AdmitSee is a social media platform where thousands of verified undergrad and grad students share their application materials, including personal statements, test scores, extracurricular resumes, and high school background. The information is uploaded to profiles (similar to LinkedIn/Facebook), so it’s fun and easy for prospective students to navigate.


Plan Price Details
AdmitSee Basic Profile Free Browsing basic profiles is free.
AdmitSee Full Profile $20 Unlock a profile’s full-length application essays, resumes, test scores, transcripts, and advice. Unlike college application forums, our Admits are vetted and verified using their official school IDs. We split sales 50/50 with students who license us their content so they're incentivized to create robust profiles.
AdmitSee Package $40 A group of curated profiles, organized by school, essay topic, and Admit background.

