

Share websites & videos with your class using student-friendly visual bookmarks.

  • Organize your resources by grade level, subject, or project.
  • Easy to use. Set up your page in minutes!
  • 1000’s of teachers every week use Tizmos in their classrooms.
  • 100’s of schools have Tizmos set to their computer lab’s homepage.


Plan Price Details
Free Plan Free The free account provides you with one folder and an upper limit of 30 tizmos for as long as you need.
Unlimited Tizmos $0.99/month Add & share as many Tizmos as you want.
Video Tizmos $1.99/month Share Youtube and Vimeo videos right on your page to minimize student distractions.
Custom Images $1.99/month Select any image on the target site in place of the default screenshot.
Folders $2.99/month Create as many folders as you wish, to categorize your tizmos into classes, subjects and more.
Lesson Plans $3.99/month Have students visit your Tizmos one by one sequentially.
Premium $9.99/month The full premium account provides you with all of the Tizmos features at a discounted 20% off!

