

A search engine for students.

Every website in SweetSearch has been evaluated by our research experts.

It searches only the 35,000 Web sites that our staff of research experts and librarians and teachers have evaluated and approved when creating the content on findingDulcinea. We constantly evaluate our search results and “fine-tune” them, by increasing the ranking of Web sites from organizations such as the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, PBS and university Web sites.

SweetSearch helps students find outstanding information, faster. It enables them to determine the most relevant results from a list of credible resources, and makes it much easier for them to find primary sources. We exclude not only obvious spam sites, but also marginal sites that read well, but lack academic or journalistic rigor. As importantly, the very best Web sites that are often buried on other search engines appear on the first page of SweetSearch results.


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April 23, 2014

The gay penguin story is adorable and an excellent way to teach students about tolerance.

Technology Aide
April 14, 2014

I’m sorry, can someone please tell me how gay penguins, gay marriage and Rosalind Lipsett’s half naked street antics are at all relevant or appropriate for elementary students searching for material on penguins. These were just 3 out of 9 responses delivered under the elementary target “SweetSearch 4 me.”

April 14, 2014

Seems like an excellent tool, but when researching different animals one of the first topics on penguins and elephants is about gay penguins and elephants. Unfortunately this is not acceptable as initial research at my parochial school.

December 5, 2013

Sweet Search content has been evaluated by research experts and is intended for students.
