

We help you easily discover new and interesting stuff on the Web. Tell us what you like, and we’ll introduce you to amazing web pages, videos, photos and more that you wouldn’t have found on your own.

As you Stumble through great web pages, tell us whether you Like or Dislike our recommendations so we can show you more of what’s best for you. We’ll show you web pages based on that feedback as well as what similar Stumblers and the people you follow have Liked or Disliked.

Our members have given us some pretty great compliments in the past, including describing us as “the entire Internet, all in one place,” “an epic journey” and “a map to an adventure you wouldn’t otherwise have found out about.

Whether you’re interested in Humor, Photography, Fashion or Sports, we have something for you. Every Stumble is an adventure, and something amazing is always just a click away.


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StumbleUpon Free Free for use.


August 30, 2012

I've used StumbleUpon to help students begin research and brainstorm ideas. Students can work in groups during in-school library or computer time, or they can work at home and collaborate via social media. I've set up topics for Film Noir and Shakespeare in the past and asked students to gather facts and develop research questions based on a specific number of "Stumbles." Students find it engaging and fun and often go beyond the required number of pages as they become more and more engaged in the topic.

August 30, 2012

This is a great source of ideas. You can randomly go through various sites or you can set preferences or particular topics/subjects. Using Stumbleupon in either way can prove to be a great brainstorming method.

For instance, as you look at the different sites presented by Stumbleupon you can write ideas that come to your mind as a result of viewing the various sites. This activity could be done by an individual or it could be done as part of a whole group activity. As a whole group activity you would project the sites onto a screen so that the entire class sees the site. In addition to projecting the web sites, you should have someone recording ideas that are generated by the group. Next, you could vote on what idea is the best, have students select one idea and write about it, or just enjoy the activity for itself.

April 20, 2012

It’s a great way of following a topic and sharing ideas. You can search through web pages and it will allow you to “Stumbleupon” web pages that use that topic or idea. This may not be suitable for younger students however.
