Story Wheel Vampires

This tool has not been reviewed by our editors yet


There is something lurking in the shadows. You can hear something with haggard breathing, standing ready to pounce. You are trapped in a dead end alley with no way to escape.

How does your story end?

Story Wheel Vampires is a teen version of the original Story Wheel app, involving a story theme with some bite. Let your teen’s imagination run wild with this thrilling new storyline.

Story Wheel Vampires is an educational and language therapy tool, that aids with cognitive and speech skills. 1-4 players can collaborate in the creation of a vampire story. The game starts by touching the crystal ball that presents an image of the future. Next, players build a story by recording their voice with that picture. Each player gets a new image, building on the story. When the story is complete, students can play back the story or share it with family or friends.


Plan Price Details
Story Wheel Vampires Free Free for use.


January 20, 2020

A great and interactive tool for students that are a bit older and do not want to play with apps designed for younger students. Using a Vampire theme, students can create their own stories. The app has a crystal ball that reveals an image the player(s) have to incorporate into a story. It makes them think on their feet and keep track on the story as it is being built.
