ST Math


ST Math starts by teaching the foundational concepts visually, then connects the ideas to the symbols and language. With visual learning, students are better equipped to tackle unfamiliar math problems, recognize patterns, and build conceptual understanding. Without language barriers, the problem is accessible to all students, regardless of skill level or language background.

ST Math games include more than 35,000 puzzles with interactive representations of math topics that align to all state standards, with learning objectives that target key grade-level concepts and skills.

ST Math is a flexible instructional tool that can fit easily into many different curriculum implementations. In a computer lab, during designated classroom time, station-rotation, or at home – as long as students are using ST Math for 60-90 minutes per week, you will see gains in their math achievement.

ST Math is currently only available for purchase by schools, school districts, and homeschool families within the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Under the Pricing section, remove the “Fluency”, “Music”, and “Secondary Intervention” listings. Here is the new information to include:

  • Plan: ST Math: PreK-8
  • Price: Varies
  • Details: An ST Math site subscription starts at $3,500 annually for up to 150 students at a single school. For more info visit


Plan Price Details
ST-Math®:K-5 Varies Contact for pricing. Only available for schools.
ST-Math®:Fluency Varies Contact for pricing. Only available for schools.
ST-Math+Music®:K-5 Varies Contact for pricing. Only available for schools.
ST-Math®:Secondary Intervention Varies Contact for pricing. Only available for schools.


September 14, 2016

Research-based results. Not free – but you can play a sample game on the website.
