Scientific Learning Progress Tracker


Scientific Learning® Progress Tracker Provides Accountability at Every Level.

Scientific Learning Progress Tracker is an online data analysis and reporting tool that enables educators to monitor individual, classroom, school, or district performance of students working with Fast ForWord products. Get clear, action-oriented information showing student progress over time, in specific reading and cognitive skills areas. It's one of the reasons why Fast ForWord learning software has been so successful in helping schools and districts meet state mandates and comply with NCLB.

Maximize Success with Scientific Learning Progress Tracker

Special features improve results for students, teachers, schools, and districts:

  • Automatic analysis of group and individual progress, including diagnostic and prescriptive information, displayed in graphs and tables.
  • Timely and specific intervention guidance, providing recommendations for maximizing the impact of classroom reading instruction and the effectiveness of Fast ForWord products.
  • Assessment with Reading Progress Indicator:
    • Quickly assess four key skill areas: phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension.
    • Automatically score assessments and report results to parents, teachers, and administrators .
    • Access accurate progress information that correlates to nationally recognized normed assessments.
    • Access to reports that provide assessment results for individuals, groups, schools and districts. For individuals, results are reported in grade equivalent scores, reading level gain and national percentile scores. School and district level reports show results in percentile growth and reading level gain.


Plan Price Details
Scientific Learning Progress Tracker Varies Contact support for further details.

