
Live broadcast your presentations to mobile devices, tablets and laptops of your audience – no matter whether you are in the same room or in different parts of the world.


Plan Price Details
Free Plan Free Presentations are stored for up to 48 hours.
Paid Plan $14/month To keep presentation for more than 48 hours, so you and your audience can review the presentation, comments and notes.


March 5, 2013

Present in sync.
Live broadcast your presentations to mobile devices, tablets and laptops of your audience – no matter whether you are in the same room or in different parts of the world.

Comments and notes
Left something out? Any questions during the presentation? Add comments to the slides as you go. These will also appear on everyone’s screens real-time. Enable the audience to comment as well. For additional remarks or information, both the presenter and the audience will be able to make individual and shared notes during and after the presentation.

Engage your audience
A national US survey shows tradional presentations make 30% fall asleep. Stand out and avoid mediocre presentations by making sure that everyone is on the same page.
