

Great for work. Great for school. Popplet is a platform for your ideas. Popplet's super simple interface allows you to move at the speed of your thoughts. With Popplet you can capture your ideas, sort them visually, and collaborate with others in realtime. Quickly and easily!

People use Popplet to:

  • Explore Ideas: Brainstorming, Mindmapping
  • Plan Projects: Diagrams, Process Charts
  • Record Thoughts: Journals, Notes, Lists
  • Collect Inspiration: Mood Boards, Scrapbook, Travel Plans
  • Create Galleries: Photo albums, Portfolios, Presentations
  • Study: School Projects, Class Notes

Popplet Lite will be free forever, but is limited to just one popplet. The full version of Popplet lets you create an unlimited number of local popplets, which are stored on your iPad. You can also use the full version to create online popplets, which can be shared with and edited by other Popplet users, both on the web at popplet.com and on their iPads.

Unlike similar apps, Popplet includes the following special features:

  • Boundless Boards
  • Pan and Zoom
  • Realtime Collaboration (ipad to ipad + ipad to web)
  • External VGA Display Support
  • Multi Language Support
  • PDF and JPEG Export

We are committed to continually improving and updating the full version of Popplet and would love to hear what you think.


Plan Price Details
Popplet Lite Free Popplet Lite lets you do whatever you want on one Popplet board.
Popplet Monthly Plan $3.00/month Upgrading to the paid version gives you many features that our dedicated users have requested, including: Unlimited Popplets, Named Popplets, Customizable Color, and Share an Image.
Popplet Yearly Plan $30.00/year Upgrading to the paid version gives you many features that our dedicated users have requested, including: Unlimited Popplets, Named Popplets, Customizable Color, and Share an Image.


Special Education Teacher
July 11, 2016

User friendly. Great collaboration tool.

educational designer
June 26, 2015

It’s quick and easy to use, customisable, able to embed images, can export the image to PNG, can share the mindmap with others via a link or embed the html code into a LEO Lesson page. http://popplet.com/app/#/1751081 This particular example was used as a development tool to plan how the various pages of the module would be connected to one another.

This example was used in the poster created for the ACMHN conference in Melbourne. AU recently

Apple Distinguished Educator
March 26, 2014

A very simple and easy to use app. In a 1:1 setting you can get away with the free version as pupils can manage their popples across one board. If you are using a shared set of iPad devices then you might want to purchase the full version as it allows multiple boards for multiple pupils.

I have used Popplet with Year 2 pupils to create circuits, Year 6 pupils to create timelines, Reception pupils to map out stories, Year 4 pupils to create food chains and food webs and lots more. A very handy app to have on your device.

September 6, 2013

Popplet è un sito web capace di combinare in un’unica soluzione uno strumento per creare presentazioni, un generatore di mappe mentali e una bacheca on-line.

Facile e divertente da usare, è sufficiente creare un nuovo account gratuito per iniziare a costruire il vostro Popplet.

L’aspetto che più ci interessa è legato alla possibilità di creare mappe mentali 2.0, non solo mappe concettuali con testo e linee ma con video, immagini ed altro ancora.

Una delle caratteristiche che contraddistingue Popplet rispetto ad altri servizi analoghi è la possibilità di scaricare le mappe in formato PDF, oltre che ovviamente come file immagine. Si caratterizza anche per le seguenti peculiarità:

essendo un sito online, si possono invitare più persone a modificare il lavoro;

c’è anche l’applicazione per iPad di Popplet, senz’altro unica nel suo genere per questo dispositivo;

si possono condividere in rete le varie lavagne virtuali (Popplets) sia come link, con i bottoni di condivisione nei social ed anche incorporandoli in siti web tramite il codice fornito.

Piccolo particolare (non irrilevante): poichè il sito è in inglese, possiamo migliorare le nostre conoscenze della lingua.

Sicuramente molto utile….

ESL Teacher
August 26, 2012

I just began using Popplet and am really enjoying it. The website is easy to use and looks fun and engaging. My students have taken to it as well.

I use Popplet as an assessment tool. My students construct Popplets to reflect a topic they have chosen, then speak about their Popplet in front of the whole class. Using Popplets to illustrate their learnings takes the edge off their jitters in public speaking a bit. More importantly, they are speaking in English and exercising the vocabulary they've learned.

I would highly recommend Popplet.
