Oh No Fractions!


Compare and explore fractions with this elegant and simple app.

Swipe left or right to answer if the fraction on the left is LESS or GREATER than the one on the right.

Peek at the visual solution before committing your answer or wait until later to prove it.

Tap above each fraction to see if they can be reduced.

Check the statistics of your activity.

Control audio options and reset stats accessing the Setup menu via the Curious Helmet.

Oh No Fractions! is part of Curious Hat LAB, a collections of prototypes and early ideas that we want to share with the world.


Plan Price Details
Oh No Fractions! Free This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.


June 27, 2013

Strengths: This is a free app that allows students to compare fractions visually and numerically.
Weaknesses: It looks boring.
