Math Vault

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A resource hub for people pursuing higher mathematics, or people interested in learning more about it. It features ebooks, articles, guides and tools to improve one’s higher math skills and understanding, with some key topics including general mathematics (e.g., K-12 math rigorized), college mathematics (e.g., calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics), foundation of higher mathematics, and math tools (e.g., LaTeX, Desmos). For more, see


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January 24, 2020

This site features many topics (from K-12 to undergrad math) which are covered in great depth in an alternate way, and doesn’t seem to follow any standard curriculum approach to mathematical learning.

The topics, even if they sound elementary, are often covered in great detail to explore on the theoretical side of thing, with the intention of building a strong foundation in higher mathematics.

For the typical student with average high school level of math proficiency, this site can be slightly challenging, but for others who are interested in exploring mathematics in its entirety (without any dumbing down or otherwise resorting to algorithmic/rote learning), this site could be a hidden gem of the internet.
