

LetterPop is the best way to create and send newsletters online and in print for families, businesses, friends, churches, schools, or any other organization. No matter who you are, or who you want to communicate with, LetterPop can help you do it quickly, easily, and with style.

It’s an easy three-step process that starts by going to the Create a Newsletter Page.

  1. On the create page is the Palette. Browse dozens of templates. Simply drag and drop the one you like onto the workspace.
  2. Choose any of the content areas by clicking when “Click to Edit” appears. Type your creative ideas and click the green save check mark.
  3. Upload one picture at a time or multiple pictures. Or you can use Flickr. Drag and Drop your pictures into picture frames.
    LetterPop even saves your work as you go (though clicking the green save check mark from time-time isn’t a bad idea). You can access your creations from your My Account page.

Those are the basics. Told you LetterPop is easy to use.


Plan Price Details
Basic Plan $4.95/year 10 newsletters/year, up to 25 email recipients, 250 total emails sent per year, 25 picture uploads, ads.
Personal Plan $24.98/year 52 newsletters/year, up to 500 email recipients, 26,000 total emails sent per year, 1,000 picture uploads, no ads.
Personal Pro Plan $9.98/month 365 newsletters/year, up to 5,000 email recipients, 1,825,000 total emails sent per year, 2,500 picture uploads, no ads, business templates.
Business Plan $24.98/month 365 newsletters/year, up to 10,000 email recipients, 3,650,000 total emails sent per year, 5,000 picture uploads, no ads, business templates, personalized business branding, email management and analytics.
Teacher Plan $39.00/month 365 newsletters/year, up to 5,000 email recipients, 1,825,000 total emails sent per year, 2,500 picture uploads, no ads, business templates.

