
What is IFTTT?

IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement:

If This Then That.

IFTTT is pronounced like "Lift" without the "L."


Channels are the basic building blocks of IFTTT. Each Channel has its own Triggers and Actions. Some example Channels are:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Evernote
  • Email
  • Weather


The this part of a Recipe is a Trigger. Some example Triggers are "I'm tagged in a photo on Facebook" or "I post a tweet on Twitter."


The that part of a Recipe is an Action. Some example Actions are "send me a text message" or "create a status message on Facebook."


Personal Recipes are a combination of a Trigger and an Action from your active Channels. Personal Recipes look like this:

if Any new photo by you ltibbets then Add file from URL to Linden Tibbet's Dropbox

Shared Recipes are useful templates shared by the IFTTT community. Shared Recipes look like this:

Autosave all your Instagram photos to Dropbox

On / Off

Personal Recipes can be turned on and off. When turned back on, they pick up as if you had just created them.

Polling Period

Personal Recipes check for new Trigger data every 15 minutes.

Some Recipes have "Quick Triggers" that will run as soon as they receive Trigger data. Quick Triggers can be identified by a lightning bolt icon.


Plan Price Details
IFTTT Free Free for use.

