Hideout: Early Reading

This tool is no longer in service


This tool is no longer in service.

Hideout teaches kids how to read through a series of fun activities that emphasize letter-sound association and word repetition.
These activities make use of blending and reading short vowel words within meaningful contexts. Interactive activities highlight a core of words that share a phonic pattern. Engaging activities, set within relevant situations, provide meaning and purpose for reading and creating words. The activities vary in the situations they present and in the ways word meanings are illustrated. The variation in the activities captures children’s interest. Each activity permits children to read and create words that relate to the particular scene (or fun context) and provides opportunities to read words to convey ideas. Hideout, developed at Brigham Young University, replicates the kind of interactive face-to-face lessons that are available through the SEEL (Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy) website (see education.byu.edu/seel).


Plan Price Details
Hideout: Early Reading Free Compatible with iOS devices.


Technology Integration Specialist
February 18, 2014

Great tool for beginning readers! The music is engaging, as are the activities. Useful app for practicing word families.
