

Fast and accurate translation

Translate words, phrases and sentences. Paste an article and it will be translated in a snap.

66+ languages

This app contains a translator and dictionary. Wherever you are, you will always have 66 languages at your fingertips.

Translation History

Access your translation history even when you’re offline. Every translation is saved in history so you can go back and find previously translated text.

Manage your Translations

Manage your translations with sorting: by source, translation or by date. Search for any translation to access it faster.

Share Translations

Sending e-mails, text messages, sharing any translation through Twitter, Facebook and Google+ directly from the application.

Edit Translation

Edit and correct all your translations right away. All your changes are always saved and synced to other devices via iCloud.

Sync over iCloud

With iCloud, translation history and settings will be available on all of your devices.

Precise language management

Precise language management opens you the easiest way to disable languages that you don’t need and select the most popular ones.

Universal app. Made for iPhone and iPad.

This app is made exclusively for iOS and runs on both iPhone and iPad.


Plan Price Details
GoTranslate $2.99 Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

