Google Classroom


Classroom was designed hand-in-hand with Google Apps for Education teachers to help them save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students.

More teaching, less tech-ing

Classroom is available to anyone with Google Apps for Education, a free suite of productivity tools including Gmail, Drive and Docs.

Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly, including time-saving features like the ability to automatically make a copy of a Google Document for each student. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized.

Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn’t completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.

Benefits for classes

Easy to set up

Teachers can add students directly or share a code with their class to join. It takes just minutes to set up.

Saves time

The simple, paperless assignment workflow allows teachers to create, review, and grade assignments quickly, all in one place.

Improves organization

Students can see all of their assignments on an assignments page, and all class materials are automatically filed into folders in Google Drive.

Enhances communication

Classroom allows teachers to send announcements and start class discussions instantly. Students can share resources with each other or provide answers to questions on the stream.

Affordable and secure

Like the rest of our Google Apps for Education services, Classroom contains no ads, never uses your content or student data for advertising purposes, and is free for schools.


Plan Price Details
Google Classroom Free Free for use.


March 6, 2019

This tool makes working much easier for both students and teachers/tutors it gives clear and easy to follow directions when explaining how to do certain tasks and is not too complicated to use

January 27, 2017

Google classroom is very easy for teachers and students. It’s also a nice way of keeping school projects and school info organized for students and teachers.

October 12, 2016

Classroom is a free web-based platform that integrates your G Suite for Education account with all your G Suite services, including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Classroom saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized.

July 5, 2016

I use Classroom to manage thr distribution, grading, and filing of all assignments for five classes. I have been able to eliminate the use of paper which is a major plus for productivity.

It is also a great aid for the PLC. It allows collaboration and sharing while saving time and providing options for differentiation within similar classes. Use of Google Classroom is particularly helpful when a member of the team does not share planning time. Collaboration is enhanced, grading is standardized, and productivity within the PLC improved by eliminating redundancies.

I highly recommend it to all GAFE users. I did not use a copy machine during 2015–2016! With 150 students in five classes, I never lost a document!
