

FlashIssue makes it easy to curate, personalize and share your favorite web content.

Teachers and faculty will find this useful because it simplifies the process of collecting and sharing online resources to their students. It can be used to deliver the daily lesson or just share a bundle of useful info on a specific topic.

Email is still the most common way to communicate online so it's the perfect vehicle to deliver educational content.


Plan Price Details
FlashIssue Free The good news is that there's no cost to using FlashIssue. Yes, that's right, create unlimited newsletters to your hearts content and do it all for FREE.


October 15, 2016

My messages haven’t delivered 24hrs after I used flash issue to create my newsletter. The tool is good for design and I love their templates, but what’s the use if my messages won’t deliver. Also no response from support even after I sent several complaints.
