

Edmodo is a secure, social learning platform for teachers, students, schools and districts. We provide a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner.

Before a student can create an Edmodo account, they will need a 6-digit group code from their teacher. Once they have their group code, they can visit Edmodo.com and select the "I'm a student" button. From here they can enter the group code provided by their teacher, complete the registration form and select "Sign up".

Note: Students are not required to enter an email address to create an Edmodo account.

Edmodo is free for all teachers, students, schools and districts.


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Edmodo Free Free for teachers and classrooms.


ESL teacher
September 1, 2015

Edmodo has enabled me to communicate and work with my students in a much easier and more effective way.

June 22, 2015

I use Edmodo in all of my classes. It is the cornerstone of my being able to go paperless in all classes. I really like that is saves all of my resources, assignments, and quizzes from year to year which makes it extremely easy to reuse and modify assignments. It also integrates with Google Drive.

April 19, 2015

Muy útil y práctica para trabajar con grupos de alumnos

October 6, 2014

A lot of teachers at my school have recently started using edmodo in their classrooms, and my government teacher is one of them. I’m new to edmodo because this is the first class I’ve had where a teacher uses this tool, and so far I’ve really enjoyed it.
Edmodo is basically an online classroom where the teachers and students can interact. My teacher posts the class agenda for the whole week, along with all of our assignments and worksheets. This makes things very easy for me, because if I forget something at school or miss a day, I can print a copy of my worksheet at home. This pretty much eliminates the need for a planner, which is nice because thats one less thing I have to carry around with me all day.
Edmodo has been referred to as “educational social media” by a lot of people, and I can definitely see where that comes from. The home page is set up in a very similar way to Facebook. The teacher makes a post every day with the agenda, and you can comment on that post, say if you like it or not, and share it with others. If you are looking for something specific, there is a search bar at the top and you can filter it by posts, groups, users, etc.
Under the tab for your class, there is a “folders” tab that you can click on and it brings up a bunch of folders for each unit in the class, and you can easily find what you need. I really like this because it is very organized and I can check to make sure I’ve done all of my assignments for each specific unit. My teacher also posts links for online quizzes we can take and other reviews for tests. This makes it really simple to prepare for tests and it helps me make sure I’m on the right track during my studying.
At the top of the page there is a “progress” tab and it shows you a graph of your progress in the class and the teacher can enter in your grades here and show each individual student how they are doing overall. There is also a tab called “backpack”, and this is basically the same thing as google drive. If you are working on an assignment in class and you don’t finish and need to take it home, you put upload it into the backpack and then you will be able to access that file on any computer by logging into edmodo. I really like this idea, because it saves so much time, versus putting it onto a flash drive or emailing it to yourself.
How does Edmodo compare to other online classroom websites such as moodle? In my opinion, Edmodo is set up in a more organized way, and has a lot more features than some of the other online classrooms I have seen.
For teachers wondering if they should try using this in their classroom, I would strongly recommend it. If you are at all concerned with your students’ convenience, then this is something you need. Students will appreciate the efficiency of the way this website works, and I’m sure teachers will a well.

October 3, 2014

Edmodo is a useful tool that enhances a student and instructors education experience with a comfortable form of communication and a desirable collection of tools on the site. Although it has limited opportunities for the business spectrum, Edmodo solves a problem that occurs every day that rapidly expands in our education system as the world evolves into the digital age.

October 3, 2014

I am currently a senior in high school who was assigned a project involving Edmodo. I had to set up an account and experience the website first hand. I also used Edmodo in my Physics class, which was unrelated to this project. I found Edmodo easy to use, although there seemed to be a lot of features that I seldom used in my experience. Some tools seemed unnecessary, and it often took a lot of steps to find documents and quizzes that had been previously posted. Edmodo was a great tool for getting updates and storing documents in one location.

July 7, 2014

Our class uses this as the primary communication tool. I post assignments, tutorials, websites, reminders, polls even quizzes. My students are able to communicate with me and each other in a safe environment. I have it linked to my phone so I receive an immediate notification in case a student needs homework help. I am looking forward to using the new Snapshot feature this coming fall as a formative assessment. Couldn’t live without Edmodo.

7th/8th Grade Teacher
July 7, 2014

I use Edmodo everyday in class. Great for sharing PPs, PDFs, pictures, links, etc. Get instant feedback from students and even use it for assessments.

It is very easy for students to use and great for communication with students and parents.

September 11, 2013

Questa piattaforma digitale è stata pensata per operare con gruppi di studenti in ambiente protetto. Visivamente si presenta con uno spazio centrale dove appaiono i messaggi, racchiuso fra due riquadri di servizio, a destra e a sinistra.
Operativamente, l’insegnante crea un “gruppo” (nell’immagine ha il nome della classe) ed invita i suoi studenti. All’interno del gruppo, la comunicazione può essere molti-a-molti (il docente a tutti, uno studente a tutti) oppure discreta, fra insegnante e studente. Non, però fra studente e studente.
Oltre a dialogare con il docente, gli studenti possono inviare allegati sotto forma di documenti che l’insegnante annota online e rispedisce al mittente (anche nella modalità uno-a-uno).
La piattaforma offre altri utili strumenti: innanzitutto una biblioteca condivisa dove si possono conservare presentazioni, documenti, immagini; un calendario dove segnare le scadenze del lavoro domestico e le date delle verifiche; la possibilità di creare quiz; infine la possibilità di gestire valutazioni proteggendo la privacy.
Edmodo è molto più di questo, però, perché può essere usata per la collaborazione con le famiglie, ma soprattutto per far rete fra colleghi.

September 10, 2012

Another useful tool for a school and the classroom… after studying Edmodo and questioning teachers who have used it, I received quite a lot of positive feedback about it as well as a few cons of using this tool.

-students are familiar with social media already, so "figuring out" Edmodo is not a problem.

-good amount of school/teacher control without feeling like teachers are trying to control everything

-great way to give written feedback to specific students privately, without other students knowing.

-badges give a way to recognize students quickly & easily

-quizzes are graded & can be added to grade book – takes away grading time for me

-one localized place to upload class files like syllabus, handouts, etc. for students to reference

-and the big thing is that all of these features are in one place. As in any tool, there are some setbacks. Teachers have reported a few cons in using Edmodo for their classroom.

-because it is so robust, it can be intimidating for some teachers & students.

-iPad app isn't quite as nice as desktop web version & is not updated to all the new features yet.

-more difficulties in implementing in a K-12 school for elementary students because it assumes students will us it, but many parents maybe don't want their first grader on it.

Overall, Edmodo is an excellent tool to utilize in a school and classrooms. Given time and practice, teachers and students can utilize it very effectively.

a teacher
September 9, 2012

Edmodo is a social media network which is not only perfect for teachers and students but also to parents or guardians to use to share information in school. It collaborates and connect, share content and get access homework, school notices and grades. Edmodo helps Parents or guardians to monitor achievement the children in school and help them identify ways of collaborating with teachers and student to achieve learning objectives in school. Edmodo brings the power of social media to educators and customize classroom for all the learners. Edmodo creates effective learning environment for learners and easier coordination among teachers in school. It is easier to use, the profile can not be edit but you can delete already seen notifications. Get edmodo now and make school the best place for learning.

Middle school Language Arts Teacher
August 30, 2012

Edmodo is amazingly useful! With students' strong desire to be part of social networking, this web site brings that to them on an education level. It allows the teacher to set various levels regarding posting by students, turning in assignments, and various other users. Many see it as a "facebook" for the classroom. Students love the ability to turn in assignments that can be typed without the worry or frustration of handwriting pages that may inevitably get lost.

Additionally, Edmodo is great for the retrieval of various websites, documents, videos, and quizzes.

One of the greatest things about Edmodo beyond its organizational outreach is that it is FREE!

Early Childhood Ed Teacher and Freelance Copy Editor
August 30, 2012

An alternative to Facebook, Edmodo is a must-have tool if you are in education and are managing a classroom. Edmodo provides a free and totally secure way for students to post messages, engage in class discussions, and turn in assignments. In the same way, teachers are able to share digital content with students such as links, pictures, documents, and presentations.

There are issues with using Edmodo in the classroom: (1) the layout and functionality of Edmodo is much like Facebook, so students will need to be monitored from posting off-topic messages with each other, and (2) students who do not have access to the Internet at home may feel left out.

August 29, 2012

Next week I'll begin my third year using Edmodo in my classroom. My students have Edmodo accounts in both social studies and in English. I use the tool to post assignments, including links to videos and additional resources. Students submit essays and I use the comment features to score and provide feedback – so much easier than dragging a stack of papers back and forth from school to home. It's also a fantastic resource for group projects. The group feature allows me to assign students to reading groups or to project groups, which enables them to collaborate from home and asynchronously. It's a safer alternative to Facebook or other public social networking tools as only students on my team can join or participate. I highly recommend it for teachers in any discipline – and if you're thinking about flipping your classroom, Edmodo is a great place to get started.

Humanities Teacher
August 29, 2012

As a high school humanities teacher, I use Edmodo with all of my classes. Above all, I am concerned with security when it comes to my students posting information online. Edmodo is extremely secure. In order to join a class, the sudent must have a passcode (which a teacher can change unlimited times). Furthermore, teachers can also provide parents/guardians with a unique passcode so they can see their own child's profile. Many teachers in my school are utilizing Edmodo so students can access all their classes on one site. It also can be accessed with an app on most smartphones so students can keep up with discussions and assignments anywhere. I have found that my students are very engaged in class discussions when using the program and helps me to "hear" from those students who don't participate that much in class.

May 5, 2012

I use this site a s "cental hub" for my classroom. All things we do on the computers can be centered around edmodo. Edmodo is the most valuable resource that I have found for my classroom. Edmodo is helping me use 21st century skills in my classroom. Teachers can create quizzes (that you don't have to grade), polls, and assignments that can be turned in without the use of paper. It also has tons of teacher communities where you can collaborate with teachers around the world who are teaching the same thing you are. You can also collaborate with classrooms. The list of applications on edmodo is almost endless and they are currently working on several new features. This site is amazing, and it is made even better by the fact that it is free! I would recommend every teacher k-college to use edmodo in their classroom. It is amazing!

May 5, 2012

Excellent resource – does what you need from a VLE/LMS except with great ease of use: organized online libraries for you & your students, and easy, intuitive homework setting & submission. Superior to systems like moodle due to ease of use and better for collaborative work. Great for students who have trouble organising themselves and 'losing' homework – it's always there, in 'the cloud'. Very useful as a basis for revision and for the teacher it's an organized store of resources: websites, documents, videos and quizzes that you can re use. A great resource – and it's free.

May 3, 2012

I like Edmodo largely b/c all of my students are social media experts and therefore the learning curve is short. To have this platform as an alternative to Facebook, G+, etc. is great.

April 20, 2012

Tis is a great alternative to an LMS. You can have chat sessions, share feeds and create groups just like Facebook. Because it is specifically for educators it is more secure than Facebook.
