

Math lessons based on clear, simple insights.

This site helps you grasp tough concepts, from imaginary numbers to the Fourier Transform. A frustrating class had me looking for better explanations, and I share what helped the most.

BetterExplained exists to help you grasp new concepts. Let’s move beyond mechanical descriptions and share the real Aha! moments that make learning fun.

The guiding philosophy is this Einstein quote: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

If an intuition-first approach resonates with you, you’ll feel right at home. I share the explanations that genuinely helped me, and there’s no pretenses or “teacher” — just an excited friend writing what made an idea click.


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August 28, 2015

These are the best explanations I’ve seen of many tough concepts in math, especially in calculus. That’s because it uses many visualizations and analogies to make it more intuitive. Has a calculus ebook, too, that you can read for free online.
