Awesome Screenshot


Capture the whole page or any portion, annotate screenshot, blur sensitive info, one-click upload to share.


  1. Capture or clip selected area, or all visible portion, or entire page
  2. Support PNG format
  3. Support horizontal scroll when capturing

Annotate & Edit

  1. Annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text
  2. Crop and scroll & Show crop area dimension
  3. Use eraser to hide sensitive information
  4. Copy the screenshot and paste it to gmail etc. Support Windows and Linux.

Save & Share

  1. Save to Local
  2. One-click to upload to and get a shareable link
  3. Support Google Drive (Gdrive) Now.
  4. Save very large image, by pass the 2M limit. No crash any more.

Optional search enhancement feature

Since many users don’t like it, we remove this feature.

For Those with Privacy Concern

Chrome will alert you that the extension may access all your data.

Here is the whole story.

  1. We use chrome’s NPAPI (Which has the ability to access some local data) to work around a Chrome issue which may crash the extension when you save a large ( >2M) screenshot. The new version also delivers a much better “Saving screenshot” experience. If you still concern about privacy, you can install a lite version we designed specially for you
  2. The plugin has the ability to access your data, but it never does it. It only access your screenshot data. Chrome shows the warning even if extensions do not access any private data. We are also normal internet users like you, we hate the bad behaviour. We also believe in “Don’t be evil”.


  1. Awesome screenshot can’t be installed in Chromebook ( CR-48) because it uses NPAPI which doesn’t supported in ChromeBook. However, we designed a special version for Chromebook
  2. Due to Chrome’s screenshot API, it can’t get the screenshot of Flash.
  3. If you can’t find awesome screenshot icon in your browser, please re-enable it here chrome://extensions/.

Bug Report and Suggestions

We appreciate and receive many user suggestions and requests for improvements. If you have features you would like to see added, or experience a bug for reporting, please send us e-mail at【[email protected]. Doing so will allow us to consider any improvements and correct any bugs as soon as possible. Thank you!

More Great Chrome Apps/Extensions by Diigo】Check them out: You won’t be disappointed!


We need help! Send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to help translate the extension to your language.

Privacy policy and privacy policy for more details.


Plan Price Details
Awesome Screenshot Free Free for use.


Coordinator of Learning Technologies
April 3, 2014

An online application that allows screen shots, narration, etc.
