Mrs. Primrose Campbell


A super nice member!


August 29, 2012

I find this tool useful. Students appreciate the use of video clips during classes and the links are easily integrated into a Power Point presentation. Since teachers make these videos on this site it makes it easy to find quality video clips on a variety of topics. Also, the links provided are quite good. It is a good resource for teachers, I would recommend it to other teachers to integrate in their lessons. It will help to keep the students awake!

August 29, 2012

I use this tool when I need to collaborate with other teachers in my department when writing exams, etc. It is easy to use and we don't all need to be in the same place to complete the task. The process of setting permissions and privacy policy of documents which is needed in order to share the link is a bit of a turnoff. Still learning to get the best from it though. I would recommend this tool. It is also useful for students doing group work to collaborate on projects.

August 29, 2012

Was introduced by a friend and just started using, I think it is a great tool and very easy to use. Very handy as I don't need to walk around all the time with my laptop. My students can also easily get access to the files I want. One advantage is being able to collaborate with other teachers in my department when team planning. I would recommend this tool to my friends as it is a useful tool for anyone.
