Mrs. Megan Iemma

Mobile/Technology Coach at mLearn


A super nice member!

I teach: Music


February 12, 2013

I use Inspiration Maps on a daily basis for myself personally as well as a tool for in the classroom (both teaching and training teachers).

I have also used it to demonstrate the power of “mindmapping” to those in the corporate market by showing how it can be used in meetings and for time management of set tasks.

Having used Inspiration for many years, I was very excited to see the iPad app released. I love the lightning bolt tool (shoots off shapes for thinking) and the ability to have fantastic templates at your fingertaps.

Inspiration maps gives me the ability to plan on the go, learn new material and share ideas with colleagues. I love the export abilities i.e. being able to share to Dropbox and iTunes.

Even though it is $10.49 in the Australian iTunes store, I would still highly recommend it.
