Ms. Ann-Marie Skill

BTEC Business Studies Lecturer at Brockenhurst College


A super nice member!

I teach: Business Studies, IT, Apprenticeships, Sage

To ages: 15 to 22


April 20, 2016

I used this tool as an alternative to Kahoot; to randomise questions for my students and to let them work thorough it at their own pace.

Some students liked that they were able to work through the questions on their own, however the majority preferred the competitiveness of Kahoot!

I would recommend this to other teachers if they want to have their students work through a quiz on their own; you can still show results on the big screen (I believe – I didn’t try this).

April 20, 2016

I tried Spiral for my group to answer questions today, it went well, although I had some tech issues ie:

I had tried to test it and open it up on my phone and laptop when I created it which meant that I seemed to get multiple versions, when launching it in the class I didn’t know which version I needed to open which confused me, I looked at the time created and managed to find it.

I’m sure there must be instructions somewhere about once answers have been given what the green and grey and blank ticks mean and how to use the points/trophy section.

I enjoyed it and will use it again.
