Mr. Derek Pipkorn

Middle School Math Teacher


A super nice member!


November 15, 2013

I’ve had the opportunity to use BuzzMath for two years with my classes. I teach 6th-8th graders and I can honestly say this has been the most motivating instructional math app we’ve used. It’s visually appealing, which is a big plus compared to many others apps/sites. The students are allowed to ‘Retry this Page’ and hit ‘Show Me an Example’, which takes away the anxiety of getting a problem wrong. My students are constantly competing against one another to earn more Stars and Badges! Every activity is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, which my district loves. It has a very reasonable price point as well. I’d recommend BuzzMath for an enrichment tool (elementary), intervention tool (high school), or everyday instruction at the middle school level!
