

Vyew allows you to meet and share content in real-time or anytime. Upload images, files, documents and videos into a room. Users can access and contribute at anytime.

Why use Vyew?

  • It’s easy – no installations.
  • It’s compatible – PC, Mac, Linux, powerpoints, documents, images, videos, mp3’s, flash files.
  • It’s FREE! – Our free version is free forever. Unlimited use with up to 10 people. What’s the catch? It’s ad supported.
  • Conferencing features – whiteboarding, video conferencing, screen sharing, Voice-over-IP.
  • Collaboration features – continuous rooms are always saved and always-on. Contextual discussion forums, voice-notes, track and log activity.


Plan Price Details
Vyew Free Free 10 real-time participants. 20 room limit.
Vyew Plus $9.95/month 10 real-time participants. 50 room limit. Advertisement-free Interface. Expandable participant limit. Custom URL and skinning option available.
Vyew Professional $19.95/month 15 real-time participants. 150 room limit. Advertisement-free Interface. Expandable participant limit. Custom URL and skinning option available. Custom branding available. Host multiple meetings at the same time.

