

Kahoot! is a game-based classroom response system and educational platform that leaves your students begging for more. With a refreshingly new take on introducing a subject and formative assessment – through quizzing, collaboration and presentation of content – Kahoot! initiates peer-led discussions, with students left on the edge of their seats.

Kahoots are best played in a group setting, like a classroom or a conference room – or even with family in the living room.

Games are displayed on a shared screen – for example a smart TV, a laptop or an interactive whiteboard. You can also use screensharing tools like Appear.In, Skype or Google Hangouts to include players from other classes or other parts of the world.

Players join in using their own device – whether that is a smartphone, iPad, laptop, or desktop doesn’t matter, as long as they have a browser and good internet connection.

Players do NOT need a kahoot account to play.


Plan Price Details
Kahoot Free Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform.


August 5, 2019

A very good website for education. Me and my students absolutely enjoyed it.

June 10, 2018

Kahoot is a good program to encourage students to join the class.

October 9, 2017

I want to use it for quiz and i reccomend to all my colleagues because it can be useful in the classroom to capture the children’s attention.

October 19, 2016

Quick easy way to assess kids learning.

February 22, 2016

It is bad. When I created an account, it deleted with important work.

[…] the teacher create a quiz for their students, but while researching on that tool, I stumbled upon Edshelf where it suggested to have the students create quizzes themselves. That way, they could reinforce […]

October 3, 2014

Kahoot may look like other educational websites, but it has much more to offer than many other sites in my opinion. The quick and to-the-point set-up process makes this online tool one of the easiest and most effective sites to use. Kahoot can easily be used by teachers to conduct fun, interactive review games. People, primarily students, love using this tool because it is both fun and educational. Whether you are directing a business meeting or teaching a classroom full of kids, Kahoot is the answer.

October 3, 2014

I am a high school senior and I researched Kahoot for a project. I found that Kahoot is a very engaging website that brings out the competitive side of students. The students can enter a game using an access code that brings them to the specific quiz, discussion, or survey. All of the students were engaged and had fun while I prevented an example quiz. Kahoot is a very customization tool to make an activity to help out your students.

June 17, 2014

Kahoot was mij totaal onbekend. Ik had geen idee wat ik mij erbij voor moest stellen. Dankzij de enthousiaste verhalen van Chantal en omdat ik een onderwerp moest hebben voor mijn onderzoek heb ik mij in de wereld van Kahoot verdiept. Dankzij internet leerde ik hoe ik de vragen kon activeren. Het leuke aan Kahoot vind ik de enthousiaste reacties uit de klas. Leerlingen vragen vaak of ze nog een keer Kahoot kunnen doen. Het maken van de vragen is even werk, maar het voordeel is dat ik ze steeds opnieuw kan gebruiken. Ik vind Kahoot een heel gebruiksvriendelijke quizz, nu wil ik nog leren hoe de discussie en de survey te gebruiken. Ook het uploaden van foto’s heb ik nog niet gedaan, omdat ik van de laptop elke keer de melding kreeg ‘Sorry, Kahoot! doesn’t support image uploads with this browser’. Ik wil dit nog wel gaan doen, omdat dit de quiz ook aantrekkelijker maakt voor de leerlingen..

May 14, 2014

Kahoot is a fun way to engage students. It can be used as a review for formative assessment. Students sign in using a class code. I have students use real names so that I can use the data results for instruction. Kahoot provides real time results that can be downloaded for use. Teachers can create games or use games in the public area.
