Google Maps


Google Maps is a map service that you view in your web browser. Depending on your location, you can view basic or custom maps and local business information, including business locations, contact information, and driving directions. Click and drag maps to view adjacent sections immediately. View satellite images of your desired location that you can zoom and pan.


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Google Maps Free Free for use


August 30, 2012

Google Maps is a great way to find locations. In addition, it will give you directions between two locations. If you look for directions between two locations on your home computer or laptop, you can send the directions to your cell phone. Also, you have the ability to print your map, if you wish. When you map your directions, you have the ability to toggle between by car, by bus, by bicycle, or by foot routes.

High School accounts teacher
August 29, 2012

I mostly use this tool when I'm travelling overseas or going on long vacations. The Google map is a wonderful tool as it help to locate places, people and to get you out of tight spots. Its very user friendly and it also has pre-set information to help you search. I would definitely recommend it to my colleagues and friends. These persons are always on the go because of their work. Since they are social workers who have to travel all over the country to meet parents and children and visit hospitals and so on, they will need a good navigation system.

High School accounts teacher
August 29, 2012

I always use it when I'm travelling overseas
