Google Books


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Find the perfect book for your purposes and discover new ones that interest you.


Book Search works just like web search. Try a search on Google Books or on When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms, we'll link to it in your search results.

Browse books online

If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given us permission, you'll be able to see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text. If it's in the public domain, you're free to download a PDF copy. Learn more about the different views.

Learn more — fast

We've created reference pages for every book so you can quickly find all kinds of relevant information: book reviews, web references, maps and more. See an example.

Buy the book … or borrow it from the library.

If you find a book you like, click on the "Buy this book" and "Borrow this book" links to see where you can buy or borrow the print book. You can now also buy the ebook from the Google eBookstore.

Where do the books come from?

Currently, we are connecting readers with books in two ways: the Partner Program and the Library Project.


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Google Books Free Search the latest index of the world's books. Find millions of great books you can preview or read for free.


Online English and Biology Teacher
September 16, 2012

I have used Google Books not only for my personal research, but also recommended it to my students, who found the site to be very useful. It is a great site to preview books, and also to locate full text of any book. The tools available at the site help in organizing your own bookshelf. Moreover, it provides you with a comprehensive and latest index of books, making the search for some particular book much easier. As many books available here are free, I recommend it to all students and teachers.

a teacher
September 7, 2012

As an educator whenever I want to search a preview on a certain topic on a book from a certain publishers I used Google books, this tool enables me to access different books from libraries or publishers all over the world. Google books enables me to search for latest index of the world of the books, you do not have to pay to use the tool. I also use Google books to download public domain books in different format, what I have to do is just find public domain on Google books, the download is free of charge. I recommend this tool to any educator who really wants to acquire more knowledge by getting access to different books from different publishers and libraries all over the world.

Online English Tutor/ Health Care Provider
September 4, 2012

Google Books is a useful tool if you want to search for exact full text discussions from books. It is complimentary to Google and Google Scholar for lectures or research purposes. Sometimes you are looking for a particular reference from a particular journal that has cited a book, and you want to get the exact text from the book. I've also used Google Books if I can't find exact text discussions of things I am looking for in Google. This site is definitely a resource for everyone.

August 30, 2012

As a homeschool parent, any time I see "free" and "books" used together I am interested. I would say that this is the primary way that I use this site. There are a lot of classic works and test prep materials available through Google books. While the Kindle Application (mobile and desktop) also has this feature, it has less tools for organizing. Google books allows customs bookshelves, so you can organize books by subject or student.

If you are using Google Books simply to search for reference materials that you might purchase, there is still an advantage, as you are not just searching availability in one store. It is a kind of "one stop shop" for book-buying. The Google search is also "smarter" than searches on a site like Amazon. When I search for "American History," Google gives me the option of subcategories with different time periods. The same search in Amazon only brings up books related by the search word term or books that other people bought at the same time. If the purpose is research, this is one of the best ways to look for materials.

August 30, 2012

I have used Google Books to locate a few full text books for research purposes. In addition, I have used the site to preview books, as well. It is a good site. The site has a feel similar to some of the book selling sites. The big difference is that Google Books doesn't sell the book directly to you; Google Books will tell you where the book can be purchased. It does this by providing a list of sources for the book. Also, you are able to see if the book is available in a library. This site can serve as a research source for students who are trying to locate books or magazines about a particular topic.
