Mr. Will Lammers

Vice-Principal, Program at Smithville Christian HS


A super nice member!


November 3, 2014

We are into our third year of using Edsby as a learning management system. I will unequivocally say that it has become a critical and positive factor in the communication that happens in all of the curricular and extra-curricular life of our school. As a member of the administrative team that proposed buy-in to this LMS, there were challenges that normally occur when new technology is brought into the life of an organization. Start-up training was intensive but not overbearing, and I as well as every member of our staff have always felt that Edsby supports us well in resolving any difficulties.
The platform is flexible, intuitive, and easy to use. Teachers can customize their markbooks effectively and easily, and the process of mark entry is straight-forward. The tasks of posting homework and adding files to a class are intuitive. Extra-curricular groups can be created easily, and teachers, students, and parents have come to recognize both class and extra-curricular groups as primary and reliable places to find the latest information on the goings-on at school.
As the administrator in charge of academic reporting, I particularly value Edsby for the short turn-around time between entry of marks and comments, and publishing of reports. Students and parents have completely bought in to using this product on a daily basis, to access both homework and information on marks, and, although there were some early “kinks” associated with difficultly in accessing Edsby from mobile devices, Edsby helped all users resolve these difficulties effectively and quickly.
The only area that I see Edsby developing from its current form is the option of printing individual student reports in a concise and complete form. As Edsby has helped us to reduce the amount of paper we generate in producing reports, this is not a critical downfall, but simply an option that we would like to have available. Edsby has received feedback on this item from us, and has responded that they are working on it.

I would highly recommend Edsby as a learning management system to a colleague.
